Training the Singing Voice - online book

An exploration of the theories, methods & techniques of Voice training.

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m. ---------"Training of a Singer." Etude, PMladeipMa, 1931, Vol. 49, p. 820.
Conclusions drawn from a well seasoned experiential viewpoint. A comprehensive, though philosophical, discussion without exercises.
! !g. ---------"Trend Toward Sanity in Modem Day Vocal Pedagogy/* Musician,
New York, March, 1929, Vol. 34, p. 16.
The psychological teaching approach is convincingly presented.
04. --------- "Vocal Department." School Music, Chicago, January, 1935, p. 9;
January, 1956, p. 9; March, 1936, p. 13; Vol. 35-36.
In this series of discussions presented by the author, a sound peda­gogical approach to vocal problems is used. Hie physiological back­ground is of uncertain value.
1 !£.---------"Vocal Department." School Music, Chicago, September, 1935, VoL
35, p. 11.
The vocal cords as vibrators of sound are discussed. Arguments for and against the various theories of phonation are also briefly consid­ered.
116.--------- and others. "Vocal Forum." Music Teachers National Association
Proceedings for 1936, Oberlin, Ohio, 1937, VoL 31, p. 168.
This series includes the following ten short articles on various prob­lems of vocal training written by vocal specialists and introduced by the author. (1) "Singing as a Cultural Subject." B. Fred Wise (Chi­cago). (2) "Eliminating Vocal Interference." Cameron McLean (De­troit). (3) "Emphasis on Diction." Richard De Young (Chicago). (4) "Foreign Languages in Singing." Shirley Gandell (Chicago). (5) "Vi­brato and Tremolo." Adolph Muhlmann (Chicago). (6) "Ear Training in Singing." John T. Read (Chicago). (7) "Preparation of Singing Teacbe^s.,, Graham Reed (Chicago). (8) "Polarity in Singing." Walter A. Stults (Evanston, HI.). (9) "Music Theory as Part of Vocal Study." May A. Strong (Evanston, HI.). (10) Should! High School Students Study Singing?" William Phillips (Chicago).
117.---------''Vocalist's ABC." Etude, PhHadelphia, 1929, VoL 47, p. 21*.
It is not the voice that sings. It is the musical intelligence that sings. Hence, training the musical mind is at least as important as the study of vocal technique.
118.  Coleman, Henry. The Amateur Choir Trainer, Oxford University Press,
London, 1932.
A compact but thorough and practical book for the nonprofessional director. The treatment is general although the emphasis is on training young voices.
119.  Combs, William Walker. The Voice in Singing; Its Care and Development.
The author, Dallas, Texas, 1938.
A brief theoretical treatment followed by numerous graded exercises and excellent practice materials.
120.  Compton, George. "American Singers Must Learn Foreign Languages."' (An
interview.) Musician, New York, January, 1935, Vol. 40, p. 9.
Perfect diction is the royal road to artistic singing and English is as good a study medium as any foreign language.
121.  Conklin, Maurice. Fundamental Vocal Technique. Dorrance and Company,
Philadelphia, 1936. The studio teacher gives his opinions on current vocal theories.